Great news! All Things Applique now has an account system which will store all of your purchases.
Forgot where you saved a design? No problem, login to your account and download again. Computer crash? (I hope not!) But if so, just login to your account and download your files again.
Before we get to the instructions, let go through a few questions and answers.
Q) How do I sign up?
A) Signing up is easy! Your account will be created when you make a purchase.
Q) Will all of my designs be stored in my account?
A) All designs purchased after 12/31/2013 will be in your account. If you need access to designs purchased prior to 1/1/2014, simply contact me at allthingsapplique (at) gmail (dot) and I can send them to you manually.
Q) Can I share my account with someone else?
A) No. Each account needs to be unique for one user. Our Terms of Use state that sharing files is not allowed. Sharing an account would constitute sharing files which is not permitted.
Q) I have another question not listed above. What do I do?
A) Please contact me at allthingsapplique (at) gmail (dot) com. I am always happy to help!
Now to the step by step instructions. I created a "test" purchase and took screenshots along the way to help illustrate how the account process works.